Our Ethos

The Moment
Pollution from internal combustion engine (ICE) automobiles
pose a critical threat to public health, the planet and profits. This is
a moment in history that demands humanity adopt a rapid
transition to electric vehicles. volty presents an opportunity to
lead the conversation around the global multi-trillion dollar electric
vehicle market by articulating it’s economic, social, personal and
environmental benefits for all.

The Movement
Global interest and enthusiasm for electric vehicles has been on a
meteoric rise since Tesla Motors showed the world that EV’s can
be fun, sleek and most of all practical. Volty aims to nurture
and foster a virtuous cycle of awareness, desire and demand by
providing consumers with a one-stop destination for all content
and information about EV’s.

The Machines
Electric vehicles are the best the automobile industry has to offer.
They are quick, powerful and getting more affordable. The future
of transportation is electric. With more affordable makes and
models arriving on the market, and the rapid proliferation of
charging stations, it’s only a matter to time before electric vehicles
are the majority and not the minority on our roads.